Postdoctoral associates (UVa): imaging and data science

The Departments of Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Virginia seek multiple post-doctoral Research Associates to work in the Imaging and Data Science Laboratory ( focusing on mathematical modeling and machine learning. The laboratory seeks to develop mathematical approaches in support of predictive modeling tasks in a variety of medical imaging applications (e.g. radiology, biology, pathology) as well as signal processing applications (e.g. reduced order modeling, system identification, structural health monitoring). Specific topics of interest include the mathematics of optimal transport and other Lagrangian methods for representing signals, images, and data in general. See for more information.

Applicants will be expected to interact with graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty, and staff to perform scientific research in the topics outlined above. The laboratory publishes papers in biomedical imaging journals (e.g. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Neuroimage, Cytometry), applied mathematics (e.g. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Sampling theory, signal processing, and data analysis, AIMS Foundations of Data Science), signal processing (IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing), image processing/computer vision (International Journal of Computer Vision, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing) as well as machine learning (CVPR, Neurips) and other venues (PNAS, Nature Communications). The applicant will be expected to contribute publications to these and other venues. The Imaging and Data Science Laboratory has ongoing collaborations with diverse faculty at UVA and other academic institutions in the US and abroad, government research institutions including the National Institutes of Health, and the Naval Research Laboratory, and private companies. The applicant will be expected to help lead projects with these and other collaborators.

For questions about the position, please contact Gustavo Rohde at [email protected].

Minimum Requirements: A Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, or Biomedical Engineering.

Preferred Qualifications: Experience in applied mathematics, optimal transport, PDE’s, statistics, signal and image processing, computer vision, machine learning, mathematical modeling; strong oral and written communication skills; and the ability to interact collegially with undergraduate and graduate students, as well as other staff and professors.

This is a restricted position, 12-month appointment with the possibility of renewal contingent upon satisfactory performance and the availability of funding. Salary is commensurate with education and experience.

This position will remain open till filled and review of applications will begin on July 3, 2023, but the position will remain open until filled. The University will perform background checks on all new hires prior to employment. A completed pre-employment health screen is required for this position prior to employment.

The selected candidate will be required to complete a background check and health assessment per University policy.

To apply: click here and follow the instruction in that web page.

Ph.D. Openings:

The laboratory of Dr. Gustavo Rohde at University of Virginia seeks students interested in data sciences, machine learning and image and signal processing for health, biometric, remote and mobile sensing, and other applications. Specific topics of interest include predictive modeling, hierarchical learning, modeling, visualization, signal/image classification and reconstruction. Multiple positions are available through the Department of Biomedical Engineering or the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, are fully funded (both tuition and stipend included) and will remain open until they are filled. Interested applicants should submit their application through the online system and send an email containing CV and statement of interest to [email protected].

Undergraduate and MS students:

Undergraduate and MS students in the departments of Biomedical Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering, who are looking for apprendiceships in signal processing, imaging, and data sciences are encouraged to contact [email protected] expressing their interests.